We believe that “An organization is only as good as its people”.

Venturelab is teamed with dynamic, versatile professionals having practical knowledge in their respective fields emanating from their acclaimed roles and responsibilities performed over 2 decades along with their strong educational background from reputed institutions in the country including IITs, IIMs and Central Universities.  These professionals bring exceptional skill sets in academics, finance, HR, business development, marketing and branding.

Venturelab likes to define itself as a Proactive, Intelligent, Practical, Sensible, Agile, Thorough and Creative organization.  The Company is known for caring, energetic and intellectual approach to the needs of the client and serves with distinguishing experience and wisdom.  It believes that it adds value to its clients by becoming an extension of their organizations and micro‐organisms (which also is the reason that it undertakes few assignments at a time).

The consultants internalize the organizations and visualize their objectives, growth and strategies from  the perspective of an “insider” and at the same time, bring to bear their collective experience in working  with different kinds of organizations, industries, products and product cycles, roles, strategies,  managements, and compulsions from the “outside”.

Our team takes pride in delivering holistic service to clients.  Core strength lies in providing tailor made solutions to match clients’ requirements in their proposed and existing projects.  It understands key aspects to manage a project from Concept creation to Commissioning and Establishment.  The team provides entire gamut of value added services for establishment and growth of schools, higher education institutions and vocational learning centres.  It perfectly assists education organizations in fund raising, institution establishment, international & Indian affiliation (recognition), brand strategy development and market expansion.