
“From Thought to Finish….”

Just everything.  Right from advising you on feasibility of your dream project, to actually getting it established till revenues start rolling in!

You have dreamt up a world-class educational institution.  And you want this dream to be realized – swiftly, cost-effectively and without disturbing you in your current engagements. Venturelab enters the scene, develops the complete project plan – including viability and feasibility reports with 10 years projection, provides researched advise on statutory approvals & recognitions and delivers suggestions on grants and aids possible with a detailed Project Implementation Program.

  • We help you empanel architects, construction engineers, interior designers and equipment vendors.
  • We begin creating your Brand Identity and start subtle & discreet promotion of your institution among key stakeholders.
  • We identify foreign universities and institutions that can collaborate and add value.
  • We strategically define education programs that are revenue-centric and yet unique and value-adding for the society.
  • We engineer curricula, design organizational structure, recruit faculty and staff, define academic quality parameters, design administrative systems and processes.
  • We develop and implement strategic marketing & sales programs and help you conduct admissions for your very first session.

In fact, we continue to remain associated with your institution and work on its branding and operations so that you can expand successfully.  If required, we actually handhold you throughout this complex expansion process.